8. Setting up MIME Types without Administrator Rights
The ways described above for setting up MIME types involve changing the configuration of the WAP / web server, which requires you to have administrator rights. However, in many situations, you do not have administrator rights. For example, it is common to host WAP / web sites on a server managed by a web hosting company.
In general, there are two ways for setting MIME types when you do not have administrator rights:
Using a .htaccess file (for Apache)
Using a server-side technology
8.1. If the Web / WAP Server is Apache...
If the web / WAP server is Apache, you can place the MIME settings in a file called .htaccess using the format below:
addtype mimeType fileExtension
For example, your .htaccess file may contain something like this:
text/vnd.wap.wml wml
addtype application/vnd.wap.wmlc wmlc
image/vnd.wap.wbmp wbmp
addtype text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
addtype application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc wmlsc
application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml xhtml
The new MIME settings will be applied to the directory that contains the .htaccess file and all its subdirectories.
The .htaccess file should be set to world-readable.
The administrator may configure the web / WAP server to ignore .htaccess files. In such cases, the above method will not work.
Previous Page | Page 5 of 13 | Next Page | ![]() |
- 1. Setting up WAP Servers Introduction
- 2. Publishing WAP 1.x / WAP 2.0 Content over the Mobile Internet
- 3. What are MIME Types?
- 4. WAP 1.x / WAP 2.0 MIME Types and File Extensions
- 5. Setting up MIME Types with Apache
- 6. Setting up MIME Types with Tomcat
- 7. Setting up MIME Types with Microsoft IIS
- 8. Setting up MIME Types without Administrator Rights
- 9. Setting up Default Documents of WAP / Web Sites