19.3. Repeating the Marquee Animation a Number of Times (-wap-marquee-loop Property)

The -wap-marquee-loop property is used to specify the number of times that a marquee animation should repeat. This WCSS property accepts a number as the property value. The marquee animation will repeat forever if the keyword "infinite" is assigned to the -wap-marquee-loop property.

Two WAP CSS examples that can help you understand the usage of the -wap-marquee-loop property are shown below:

{display: -wap-marquee; -wap-marquee-loop: 5}

Meaning: Repeat the marquee animation five times.

{display: -wap-marquee; -wap-marquee-loop: infinite}

Meaning: Repeat the marquee animation infinitely.

The WCSS specification states that the default value of the -wap-marquee-loop property should be 1. Note that, however, it is "infinite" on Openwave Mobile Browser 6.x.

19.4. Controlling the Speed of Marquee Animations (-wap-marquee-speed Property)

The -wap-marquee-speed property is used to specify the speed of a marquee animation. You can assign any of the following three values to this WCSS property:

  1. slow

  2. normal

  3. fast

Two WAP CSS examples are shown below. They can help you understand the usage of the -wap-marquee-speed property.

{display: -wap-marquee; -wap-marquee-speed: slow}

Meaning: Create a slow marquee animation.

{display: -wap-marquee; -wap-marquee-speed: fast}

Meaning: Create a fast marquee animation.

The default value of the -wap-marquee-speed property is "normal".

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