6. Calling WMLScript Functions

6.1. Calling a Function Located in the Same WMLScript File

It is straightforward to call a function located in the same WMLScript file. You just need to type the name of the function you want to call, like this:

(Suppose the definitions of main_function(), wmlscript_function1() and wmlscript_function2() are located in the same file.)

function main_function()
  wmlscript_function2(arg1, arg2);

In the above WMLScript example, wmlscript_function1() and wmlscript_function2() are called from main_function(). Arguments are included inside the parentheses. If the function to be called does not require any arguments, you still need to include the parentheses.

In some programming languages such as C++, the definition of the function to be called must be placed before that of the calling function. This is not required in WMLScript. The order of functions in a WMLScript file does not have any effect. For example, the following WMLScript code:

function wmlscript_function1()

function wmlscript_function2(arg1, arg2)

function main_function()
  wmlscript_variable1 = wmlscript_function1();
  wmlscript_variable2 = wmlscript_function(arg1, arg2);

is equivalent to the code below:

function main_function()
  wmlscript_variable1 = wmlscript_function1();
  wmlscript_variable2 = wmlscript_function(arg1, arg2);

function wmlscript_function1()

function wmlscript_function2(arg1, arg2)

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