3. Compiling WMLScript Code

As you can see in the previous "Hello World" example, the WMLScript code is stored in plain-text form. Before the WMLScript file reaches the wireless device, it passes through a WAP gateway that compiles the WMLScript code. The byte code resulted is then transferred to the wireless device where it is executed.

Typically, there is no need to care about the WAP gateway part, as cellular network operators will provide a WAP gateway for their subscribers.

3.1. WMLScript Compilers

Although WAP gateways will take care of the compilation of WMLScript files for you, you can compile them manually if you want to (maybe for purposes such as checking syntax errors). All you need is a WMLScript compiler. One is available in the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit, which can be downloaded free of charge on Nokia's website.

To compile a WMLScript file using the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit, follow the steps below:

  1. Run the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit

  2. Click "File -> Open"

  3. In the dialog box, choose the WMLScript file you want to compile and click the "Open" button

  4. Click the "Compile" button in the bottom left-hand corner

If there is no compile-time error, the compiled file (ends with the extension ".wmlsc") will be saved and placed in the same directory as the original plain-text file.

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