7. XHTML MP Document Structure
7.1. Hello World XHTML MP Example
Here is our first XHTML MP example. It shows the structure of a typical XHTML MP document.
"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN"
MP Tutorial</title>
world. Welcome to our XHTML MP tutorial.</p>
This is what you will see in some mobile phone emulators:
XHTML MP documents start with the prolog, which contains the XML declaration and DOCTYPE declaration.
"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN"
The prolog components are not XHTML MP elements and they should not be closed, i.e. you should not give them an end tag or finish them with />.
The rest of the document is the same as an ordinary HTML document, except that there should be no xmlns attribute for the <html> tag in HTML.
XHTML MP documents must contain the <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> elements.
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- 1. XHTML MP (XHTML Mobile Profile) Introduction
- 2. Development of Wireless Markup Languages
- 3. Advantages of XHTML MP
- 4. WML Features Lost in XHTML MP
- 5. Syntax Rules of XHTML MP
- 6. XHTML MP MIME Types and File Extension
- 7. XHTML MP Document Structure
- 8. XHTML MP Generic Metadata
- 9. Comments in XHTML MP
- 10. Line Breaking in XHTML MP
- 11. XHTML MP Horizontal Rules
- 12. XHTML MP Headings
- 13. Font Style in XHTML MP
- 14. XHTML MP Preformatted Text
- 15. XHTML MP Lists
- 16. XHTML MP Images
- 17. XHTML MP Tables
- 18. Anchor Links in XHTML MP
- 19. XHTML MP Selection Lists
- 20. XHTML MP Input Elements
- 21. Submitting Form Data to the Server in XHTML MP